When a pipe begins to leak, fixing the problem becomes imperative. However, shutting down an entire waterline for the fix can be tricky. Fortunately, there’s another solution. Line stopping is a common technique for fixing a leak that doesn’t involve shutting everything down. 

The most important pieces of equipment for this task are line-stopping fittings. If you aren’t sure what they are or how to use them, we’re here to inform you.

What Are Line-Stopping Fittings?

When dealing with a leak in a pressurized piping system, the main struggle for workers is cutting into the pipe while keeping it pressurized. Workers need a system that keeps things pressurized while completing the task. This is where the line-stopping fittings come into play.

These fittings are just one piece of an entire system that keeps water from flowing while workers remove the broken section of a pipe. The fitting is the metal piece that encases the section of the pipe the temporary water valve will go into. Without it, pressurization of the pipe would be nearly impossible.

How Are They Used?

Now that you know what a line-stopping fitting is, it’s important to know how it is used. The process is pretty straightforward. Workers must find a non-compromised section of the pipe and attach the fitting. Then, they attach a second fitting on the other side of the break to pressurize the other end.

The best part about these fittings is that they stay in place once the pipe replacement has finished. They are impossible to remove without depressurizing the pipe, but they make future repairs in the same section of the pipe much easier. Workers can reattach the temporary valve to the established fitting whenever necessary.

Who Should Use These Fittings?

Even though we made the process of attaching these fittings seem easy, line-stopping a pipe and replacing the damaged piece is quite difficult. That’s why you need to hire a group of professionals that know how to perform a water line stop. Lucky for you, you’ve already found one! Rangeline Group is here to help with all of your line-stopping needs.