If you are interested in working in the pipeline industry, there are number of steps that you can take to accelerate and improve your pipeline career overall.

Pipeline Career

If you would like to figure out how to become a pipeline engineer, there are numerous educational and career requirements that need to be completed before you can even hold a job within the industry. A pipeline engineer is a term that refers to an individual that is part of the team that either constructs, replaces, or repairs oil and natural gas pipelines. These individuals have to go through a lot of schooling in order to have the knowledge required in order to be a serviceable member of the industry. Additionally, pipeline engineers have to be creative individuals, knowing how to work outdoors and work around problems that would not be present in other industries. Typically, individuals that are looking to work on pipelines can start by earning a bachelor’s degree in an engineering specialty, with numerous universities offering engineering bachelor degrees that are specific to pipelines in general. Take the following steps into consideration when you are looking to start your career in the pipeline industry;

Earn a Degree

The first and most important thing that needs to be taken into consideration when you are looking to earn a pipeline degree is going to be which bachelors degree in engineering you were going to be pursuing. There are majors in mechanical and civil engineering that most businesses will be willing to accept. There are also additional degrees in chemical, electrical, and petroleum engineering, which can be an excellent choice for many individuals. Additionally, you have to determine whether or not you are going to go through the licensure process.


One very important thing that needs to be taken into consideration is how you are going to go through the licensure process. Many engineers are licensed PEs. The engineering licensure process requires that you pass the fundamentals of engineering exam, which is an exam that is available to individuals that have finished their education requirements. After passing that exam, you can earn the title of an engineer intern, or engineer in training.


After getting your licensure process completed, it is important that you are able to gain a number of years of entry-level work experience. Typically, this means that you will be working under a licensed an experienced engineer, who can show you the ropes of the industry. Many of the degree programs that are available can connect you with internships that will allow you to gain entry-level industry experience, and help you to better your career in the long-term.

Principles and Practice of Engineering Exam

The Principles and Practice of Engineering Exam is undoubtedly the next step in the process. After earning at least four years of experience, individuals can apply within their state licensing board to take the Principles and Practice of Engineering Exam. This is a huge step in the career of an engineer, and is the last step toward licensure. There are different rules and regulations depending upon the state in which you will be taking the exam within, so it is important that you have an understanding of the exact requirements for your given state.


The Last step in the long road to becoming a pipeline engineer is the certification process. This helps you to be more marketable to employers, and also allows you to show that you have the expertise required to take your career to the next level. A career in the pipeline industry can be a long, but rewarding career that helps you to grow as an individual, and meet your career goals quickly.