GPS and GIS Mapping Services

When working in public areas, the safety of everything and everyone around you is key. Fortunately, an excellent way to increase public safety along with the efficiency of utility operations is having an accurate location record of your vital asset points. To accomplish this, Rangeline offers GPS mapping services that make it as easy and convenient for you as possible. Some key assets our GPS services identify include:
- Fire hydrants
- Meters
- Fire line connections
- Pump stations
- Street Signs
- Other structures
- Valves
- Backflow prevention devices
- Manholes
- Clean outs
- Fire lines
On top of that, we also offer GIS mapping. If you’re not sure what the difference is, global positioning systems (GPS) are what we use to pinpoint the exact location of items on a map. On the other side of things, geographic information systems (GIS) are what we use to actually record this kind of information on the maps. Both are key to accuracy in our line of work, which is why we offer GPS mapping services.
Rangeline’s GPS and GIS mapping services further provide GPS Asset Location Services utilizing state-of-the-art equipment to locate and record your assets with sub-meter to sub-foot accuracy. By using our own equipment, we’ll save you the extra investment and ensure we’re able to deliver thorough and accurate results.
Post-processed asset location data significantly improves the independent accuracy of the data gathered in the field down to centimeter (1 cm / 0.4 inch) levels – depending on the environment. Differential correction technology produces GIS information that is consistent, reliable, and accurate for effective mapping.
Export formats:
- ESRI File Geodatabase
- ESRI Shapefile
- Excel
- Google Earth KML and KMZ
- Microsoft Access MDB
- AutoCAD 2000 ASCII DXF (with or w/o blocks)
- MapInfo MIF
- dBase
- IDRISI Vector
- Microstation version 7 DGN
- ARC/INFO (for NT and UNIX)
Contact us today to take advantage of our GPS and GIS services! Rangeline is a trusted name for all your pipeline service needs. Our services promise swift and quality results to ensure your systems are operating as efficiently and safely as possible. Serving both individual businesses and entire municipalities, inquire with our experts to find out what our services can do for you.