Pipelines are the lifeblood of operations for many businesses. However, even the best-laid lines need updates at times. In many cases, changes might come in the form of a valve insertion, which requires precision and following industry best practices. Today, we’ll take you through the best practices for valve insertion installation so that you safely update and reinforce your system rather than compromise it.

Assessing the Need for Valve Insertion

Determining necessity is the first step in the valve insertion process. While you might already know that a pipeline might benefit from a new valve, it’s best to assess the situation to be sure. This process involves an in-depth analysis of your piping system, considering factors such as flow rates, pressure, and the nature of the transported materials.

Look for segments in the pipeline network where additional control, isolation, or flow management is necessary. After pinpointing the location, you’ll need to decide on the ideal valve type for that environment. Also, take into account compatibility with existing materials and any regulatory standards you must follow.

Preparing for Insertion

Now, it’s time to prepare for the valve insertion. This includes ensuring the new valve and the pipeline are clean and debris-free. Contamination can lead to malfunctions, erosion, and reduced valve and pipeline system performance. Also, thoroughly examine the area around the insertion point for damage or inconsistencies that could negatively affect the valve’s operation.

The Cutting Process

Finally, the pipe-cutting process is underway. Size accuracy is paramount here, as the cut must be clean and perpendicular to the axis of the pipe in order to achieve a perfect fit for the valve. You must use specialized cutting equipment to maintain the pipe’s structural integrity and prevent induced stress or deformation.

Valve Installation

You must be careful when installing the valve. The integrity of this piece and the pipe depends on the method of installation, whether by welding, flanging, or other means. The connection must be secure, leak-proof, and able to withstand the system’s operating conditions. Lubricate threads and fittings, and tighten to manufacturer-recommended standards for the best results.

Sealing and Testing

After inserting the valve, sealing is the final step. Selecting the best sealing material and method is crucial for maintaining the system’s function and safety. Apply the sealant evenly, and press firmly to create a tight bond that can resist the pressure within the pipeline. After setting the sealant, conduct a series of tests—preferably pressure and operational ones—to confirm the valve’s performance and the integrity of the newly inserted segment.

Call a Professional When Needed

Even after learning these best practices for a valve insertion installation, you might realize that your team is unequipped to handle such an intricate process. Fortunately, Rangeline Group is here to help. We offer professional valve insertion services for anyone who needs them, so reach out to us if you’d like to learn more.